The United States of America: The Ocean is Closed

Who would ever have thought that this great FREE country would ever be run by a tyrannous central government?

Who would have ever thought that states, counties, cities would be talking out loud about seceding?

Who would have ever thought that American grandparents, patriots, Christians would be demonized, called terrorists by the United States government and then by Democrats and liberals?

Who would have ever thought that Christians would not be allowed to believe their Bible?

Who would have ever thought that the value of life would plummet to 0?

Who would have ever thought that voter fraud would be totally acceptable to the federal government?

Who would have ever thought that American laws would be ignored by the American federal government chief executive?

Who would have ever thought that the opposing party to a tyrannous president would ‘go along to get along’?

Who would have thought the Supreme Court would decide a law that was fully unconstitutional would be reconstructed by that court and made constitutional?

Who would have thought that wrong would be right and right would be wrong?

Whoever thought that an American president would close the ocean to citizens?

“You are in for trouble! The lies you tell are like ropes by which you drag along sin and evil. And you say, ‘‘Let the holy God of Israel hurry up and do what he has promised, so we can see it for ourselves.” You are headed for trouble! You say wrong is right, darkness is light, and bitter is sweet. You think you are clever and smart. And you are great at drinking and mixing drinks. But you are in for trouble. You accept bribes to let the guilty go free, and you cheat the innocent out of a fair trial. You will go up in flames like straw and hay! You have rejected the teaching of the holy LORD God All-powerful of Israel. Now your roots will rot, and your blossoms will turn to dust.”
(Isaiah 5:18–24 CEV)

About tannngl

Believer (God the Father, the Son and Messiah, the Holy Spirit), daughter, wife, mother, memaw, RN, hobbit, street evangelist I love people, music, reading, praying, studying the Bible, keeping up with national news and politics. I am a strict constructionist, a true American. I love my country. I honor her warriors. I am thankful for our Constitution and will personally bear arms for it.
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13 Responses to The United States of America: The Ocean is Closed

  1. TeachX3 says:

    Great post sister… did you see the graphic I made, about this corrupt fed gov closing the ocean?

    Hope you are doing well, you are in my thoughts and prayers… God bless and keep you in Christ!


  2. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT INDEED!! we’ve missed you ma’am, I pray all is well in yalls lives. Great post as well.


  3. Reblogged this on libslayer2013 and commented:
    WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?? reblogged on libslayer2013


  4. bullright says:

    Excellent passage. Good post. Who would have thunk it?


    • tannngl says:

      Thanks, bullright. I kind of stole the idea (“Who would have ever thought…”) from a book mom bought me last year written by Dr. David Jeremiah: I Never Thought I’d See the Day.
      But you’re right. Who would have ever thunk?!


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