C.S. Lewis: If it’s all an accident…

“If the solar system was brought about by an accidental collision, then the appearance of organic life on this planet was also an accident, and the whole evolution of Man was an accident too. If so, then all our present thoughts are mere accidents—the accidental by-product of the movement of atoms. And this holds for the thoughts of the materialists and astronomers as well as for anyone else’s. But if their thoughts—i.e. of materialism and astronomy—are merely accidental by-products, why should we believe them to be true? I see no reason for believing that one accident should be able to give me a correct account of all the other accidents. It’s like expecting that the accidental shape taken by the splash when you upset a milkjug should give you a correct account of how the jug was made and why it was upset.”

C.S. Lewis (1898–1963), The Business of Heaven, Fount Paperbacks, U.K., p. 97, 1984.

About tannngl

Believer (God the Father, the Son and Messiah, the Holy Spirit), daughter, wife, mother, memaw, RN, hobbit, street evangelist I love people, music, reading, praying, studying the Bible, keeping up with national news and politics. I am a strict constructionist, a true American. I love my country. I honor her warriors. I am thankful for our Constitution and will personally bear arms for it.
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6 Responses to C.S. Lewis: If it’s all an accident…

  1. Mrs. AL says:

    Mr. Lewis said it very well, tannngl.
    Thanx so much for posting this!


  2. garnet92 says:

    And that means that at this moment, I’m writing this as a result of an unfathomable number of accidents – wow, what a concept. Great post!


    • tannngl says:

      My reasoning isn’t as superior as Mr. Lewis. HE was an outstanding disciple of Christ Jesus.

      Thanks so much for visiting, Garnet! And for your kind words.♡


  3. Hardnox says:

    Excellent post. As I have stated before on this site, one needs only to spend time with nature to see clearly that everything is certainly no accident. Anyone that denies that is simply not paying attention or sadly too blind to see it.


    • tannngl says:

      Thank you, Hardnox. And thanks for visiting! And commenting!

      amen! to your thoughts on this. Mr. Lewis could sees things better than most of us. His thoughts were pretty great.


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